PanAfGeo supports the training of geoscientific staff from African Geological Surveys through the development of an innovative training programme.
This 3-year (2017-2019) Pan-African cooperation programme will provide about 50 training sessions for some 1,200 geologists from 54 African countries. This programme of 10.3 million euros is co-funded by the European Union through its Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) and a Consortium of 12 European Geological Surveys led by BRGM-French Geological Survey.
“Improving governance of the mining sector” was the stated aim of the African Heads of State and Governments who adopted a strategic document, “The Africa Mining Vision”, in 2009. For a continent whose mineral potential is among the richest in the world, this is a crucial issue that can only be addressed by improving knowledge of its geological resources, building scientific and technical capacities and implementing legal and administrative tools and methods designed to ensure that the sector is sustainably managed to drive development.
Meanwhile, the European Union, in view of its concern for the security of its raw material supplies and greater efficiency and eco-responsibility in their use, has decided to strengthen its cooperation with Africa in the area of access to mineral resources and to ensure their sustainable management, a position it has reasserted in the roadmap for the “Joint Africa-EU Strategy 2014- 2017”. PanAfGeo is one illustration of the approach.
“PanAfGeo” for “Pan-African Support to the EuroGeoSurveys-Organisation of African Geological Surveys (EGS-OAGS) Partnership” allows trainees to acquire a state-of-the-art tool kit, methods and/or the possibility to take part in field trips concerning eight geoscientific domains: Geoscientific Mapping, Mineral Resources Assessment, Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining, Environmental management of mines, Geohazards, Geoheritage, Geoinformation management, and Communication and Promotion.